Wednesday, October 5, 2016

TED Talk - Shawn Achor | Week 10

|The Happy Secret to Better Work|

Shawn Achor

In this TED Talk, Shawn Achor emphasises on the fact that each one of us have control over our own happiness and how that impacts on every decision we make. We must change our ways of looking at the world than let it control us. Yes, we do have control over a lot of things, and we can not only change the way we look at things but also change the results of business and education. One must always stay positive and be grateful for the things they have and the things they can do and this first step towards optimism can really have a huge impact on ones happiness and rate of productivity. Just to conclude, the way you look at things plays a huge role in the decisions you make, so think smart and stay happy.

- Artonomist -

source of picture

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